What is The Revival Shed ?

The revival shed has been a hobby for many years where I can indulge both my creative side and love of upcycling.    With the amount of items that I have either made for myself or other people, It’s something I want to do even more of. 

I take commissions to make tables, furniture, customised home office working space plus interesting things for around the house.  

If you’re wanting to know a bit more about me and my project, or if you’re suffering some bout of late night insomnia and need something to doze off reading,  then fear not, keep on reading down the page !


The Revival Shed started roughly 10 years ago, when I wanted to make some signs to mythical places to put up around my garden, and from there it branched out into making random things for friends and family  such as birthday/christmas pressies / random things to insult people.

With the fact that my grandfather taught me woodworking as a child in a house and garage that he built himself back in the 1950’s, plus my mother is an upholsterer/interior designer and my father is an engineer, you can start to see a picture of how the seeds of the revival shed were sewn at a very early age.


Well, the above phrase meant that if you needed to make/repair something, and you don’t have the time/money to get the right part sorted pronto, then you need to work with what you have to hand.   And this is why I LOVE upcycling.    Now take for example my old trusty motorcycle.   That old beast carried me to work every day, but if it went unexpectedly ‘Pete Tong’, then a trip to my dads garage was the next port of call.  However, the right parts were not always to hand, so I had to think on my feet and tweak away through sheer belligerence to get a solution in place.

This has taught me to look at things in a different light.   Why thrown things away?  Why not repair and repurpose items ?   What else can you do with something ?

So with this in mind, let’s fast forward to March  2020……..

Well, Dan had his plan to move into a new house all on his own, but with the ominous lockdown courtesy of the coronavirus, this was JUST achieved even though I was considered to be an essential worker due to my work supporting various scientific and pharmaceutical laboratories. So I was living totally on my own for the first time ever in my life, I have to work in a building totally on my own, and frankly, life was wierd as ****.  HOWEVER…

WHAT DOES DAN HAVE?    Let’s take stock of things and try to find the positives

Lots of boxes of crap – Full with the the sort of things you just randomly accumulate in life

a very limited amount of broken old furniture (Which was kindly donated, but it was old broken tat)

A random array of tools

No internet

No friends/family to help

No furniture shops open

BEER /  Rum / Toilet roll / pasta

A Bluetooth speaker


SO…. a Plan starts to hatch


Right Dan, you need furniture.  can buy scaffolding boards and get them delivered, you have evenings and weekends on your hands, the weather is banging and what the hell have you got to lose ?







So first was a dining table.   I’ve always wanted a cool farmhouse style table.   then came a TV unit, some floating wardrobes, a bedside table, the HUGE bed and i’m sure you can figure out the rest.


Tess, my little border collie companion has joined me since the start of the year, and she regularly enjoys chilling out with me whilst I make my creations.  

I am being asked to make more specific items for people, and i’m branching out into more ways to make things involving laser engravers, CNC routers, epoxy resins and anything else that is cool !

I have now got access to workshop space courtesy of the local Maker Space and a desire to turn this new hobby into a business,  


So Let’s see where the next steps lead !!!     


Who lurks in the shed ?

Dan Leng

The creator of all that is bonkers, and drinker of the Rum


Moral support and eater of the biscuits

Making mad items for everyday use

If you have a specific idea in mind, and you cannot find it in the shops, then stop, have a beer and get the tools out and see what happens.   

"I'm just a random person who happened to be walking past, I've not got a clue, but can you tell me where the party's at ?"

Dan Smith

"Has anyone seen my biscuits ? I think your dog stole them"

Gertrude Horrowitz
